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Our Finance & Tech. Programs

Make sure your employees are actively engaged from day one with elements strategically scattered throughout the entire staff training process. Traditional employee training can become monotonous, resulting in diminishing engagement and poorer results. But… you can make employee training sessions exciting with the help of a few creative techniques! and this is our success story with our partners as we are always innovative when it comes to learning & development solutions 

Finance for non-Finance

(2 Days Workshop)

This course will provide the lack/gap in the practice for non-finance executive in order to have a well understanding on role and the use of financial management.. We appreciate the highly effective learning methodoligy to serve the following objectives:

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  • Introduction to the fundamentals of accounting and what accounting is

  • What is the Financial Statements and how to Read it.

  • How to analyze financial statements, the advantages and disadvantages

  • Discuss the different accounting concepts and why they matter in finance

  • Define important accounting terms: recording, classifying, summarizing, money, and transactions

  • Explain the objectives of accounting and users of accounting statements

  • Learn how to debit and credit transactions and use balance sheets

  • Differentiate cash basis, hybrid basis, and accrual basis

  • Understand financial management as both an art and science

IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards

(10 Days Workshop)

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IFRS Financial Reporting Course will cover most of the International Accounting Standards (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

The course is basically designed for commerce students and working professional in accounting field. Anyone interested to equip in latest global accounting standards will find this course helpful

The course consist of power point presentation of conceptual framework of various IAS and IFRS standards. It includes objective recognition criteria, measurement bases, disclosures etc of all specific IASs and IFRSs.

This course will help you to gain understanding of global accounting standards and their practical use in the preparation of financial statements like Statement of Financial Position, Income Statement, other comprehensive income, Statement of Equity etc. 

BI Business Intelligence & Control Reporting

(10 Days Workshop)

Learn data visualization through Tableau 2022 and create opportunities for you or key decision-makers to discover data patterns such as customer purchase behavior, sales trends, or production bottlenecks. You'll learn all of the features in Tableau that allow you to explore, experiment with, fix, prepare, and present data easily, quickly, and beautifully. What you will learn is:

  • Install Tableau Desktop 2022

  • Connect Tableau to various Datasets: Excel and CSV files

  • Create Barcharts

  • Create Area Charts

  • Create Maps

  • Create Scatterplots

  • Create Piecharts

  • Create Treemaps

  • Create Interactive Dashboards

  • Create Storylines

  • Understand Types of Joins and how they work

  • Work with Data Blending in Tableau

  • Create Table Calculations

  • Work with Parameters

  • Create Dual Axis Charts

  • Create Calculated Fields

  • Create Calculated Fields in a Blend

  • Export Results from Tableau into Powerpoint, Word, and other software


  • Work with Timeseries Data (two methods)

  • Creating Data Extracts in Tableau

  • Understand Aggregation, Granularity, and Level of Detail

  • Adding Filters and Quick Filters

  • Create Data Hierarchies

  • Adding Actions to Dashboards (filters & highlighting)

  • Assigning Geographical Roles to Data Elements

  • Advanced Data Preparation (including latest updates in Tableau)

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